Sunday, May 21, 2006

Lucent's red swirl

"When it comes to designing logos, business rhetoric is full of exhortations to avoid the commonplace and choose a unique symbol that truly expresses the organization’s individuality. But more often than not, corporate logos fall back on graphic clichés that allow the company to fit in, rather than to stand out. For many organizations, this conservative strategy makes perfect sense, as their need to be perceived as legitimate overrides other concerns."

The plight of Lucent Technology's red swirl.

Gene Portait

Get a unique DNA digital image of your genetic code from a sample of your own DNA. You can also get one of your family DNA imprint or you and your pet!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Soccer Vs Typography

With the World Cup just around the corner soccer is everywhere!

I found this appropriate article over at Linotype about the relationship between Typography and Soccer

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Webby Awards

Winners of the webby awards here

my favourite being Moma contemporary voices

Friday, May 05, 2006

Jon Burgerman illustrations for England XI">

The rest of the team are here all with the different quirks.